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Medical team

Medical team

The medical team at Dogta-Lafiè Reference Hospital is composed of highly qualified and experienced professionals, dedicated to providing quality care to patients. This team comprises a total of 79 physicians and 288 healthcare professionals, including nurses, nursing assistants, laboratory technicians, and radiology technicians.


The hospital’s physicians come from various specialties, including general medicine, surgery, gynecology-obstetrics, pediatrics, cardiology, neurology, urology, gastroenterology, dermatology, and many others.

This diversity of skills allows the hospital to take care of a wide range of pathologies and meet the specific needs of each patient.


The paramedics, on the other hand, play an essential role in the overall care of patients. They assist doctors in their daily tasks, take care of nursing care, and ensure the proper conduct of medical examinations.

They are also trained to respond to emergencies and critical situations, working closely with physicians to ensure patient safety.

Continuing education policy

The medical team at Dogta-Lafiè Reference Hospital undergoes continuous training to stay up-to-date with medical advances and technological innovations. The development of skills and the improvement of the quality of care are priorities for the hospital, which seeks to offer its patients the best possible care.


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