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Guided Tour of Dogta-Lafiè Reference Hospital for SOCART’s 3rd Congress Delegates in Togo


Lomé is gearing up for the 3rd International Scientific Congress of the Togo Society of Cardiology (SOCART), scheduled from Wednesday, February 21st to Friday, February 23rd, 2024. As a prelude to this event, cardiology experts from around the globe participated in a guided tour of the Dogta-Lafiè reference hospital on Tuesday, February 20th, 2024.

Welcomed at the hospital entrance by the President of the SOCART Organizing Committee, Lieutenant Colonel-Col PIO, who is also a Cardiology Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Kara, and Lieutenant Colonel AKATA Eyouvei, the Medical Director of the center, the professionals began the guided tour.

For Lt-Col AKATA, this hospital center is of high standard and sprawls over an area of 11,000 m2. It consists of eight blocks interconnected by a central distribution building and boasts 22 consultation rooms, 160 beds, high-standard suites and rooms, individual rooms, and double rooms.

According to her, the complex spearheaded by the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), its Chairman, Mrs. Ingrid AWADE, and notably the President of the Togolese Republic, His Excellency Faure GNASSINGBÉ, is also equipped with day hospital facilities including a medical imaging and dental care block, a medicine block, an administrative block, a surgical block, a mother-child block, a VIP block with a café space for accompanying persons, a laboratory block, and a logistics block. The hospital boasts state-of-the-art technical and imaging equipment, 6 operating rooms including two hyper-aseptic rooms meeting international standards, a functional exploration unit, a modern multifunctional laboratory, and an integrated pharmacy.

Several specialties are offered, ranging from general medicine to cardiology, including surgery, gynecology, neonatology, pediatrics, all incorporating an evolving medical robotics platform.

It should also be noted that the healthcare institution is equipped with an outpatient care unit, an imaging block, a intensive care unit, and an interventional cardiology unit.

Similarly, the hospital is in the process of establishing an oncology unit, which is currently under construction.

Deeply moved by the quality, elegance, and standard, Dr. TOURÉ ALI-Ibrahim, Honorary Dean of the FSS and Coordinator of the Cardiology DES in Niamey, Niger, praised this initiative led by the Togolese government under H.E. Faure Gnassingbé. “Allow me to express my gratitude to our colleagues from SOCART who invited us to this 3rd Congress. Furthermore, we extend our heartfelt thanks to H.E. Faure Gnassingbé and the Director of CNSS-Togo for spearheading this initiative. We have just visited a brand new, state-of-the-art hospital with all the facilities. It’s a masterpiece that allows for modern and adequate patient care in the best possible time and conditions,” he stated.


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